Organ Restoration Fund Campaign

After sixty-five years of faithful service, our beloved Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ is in dire need of restoration. The vestry and the wider church community have had many conversations and conducted much research weighing all repair options over the last two years.

We are excited to announce the official launch of the Organ Fund Campaign.

The Vestry has approved this campaign to raise $150,000 over four years to make the necessary repairs.

Why now?

The organ can no longer be reliably played since its components are rapidly deteriorating. Many pipes no longer make sound, and more and more of the basic stops on the organ are no longer useable. The vestry of St. Peter’s has confidence that we can raise the money to restore this treasure of an instrument, and believes this campaign demonstrates our faith in the current health of St. Peter’s and its commitment to its bright future.

What is the scope of the restoration?

The organ has four distinct divisions of pipes and windchests that can be restored in phases over the next four years or until we can raise the necessary money. Refurbishing the organ's divisions costs roughly $30K, depending on the size and condition of the division. We are looking at approximately $150K to completely restore all divisions and get them fully functional. 

The lifespan of organ leather is usually 40 years. We can expect to get that many years of service if this restoration work is done. It has taken over 60 years for the leather components of St. Peter's Aeolian-Skinner to deteriorate, a testimony to the utmost quality of this organ builder. Just like any renovation, we are budgeting a contingency to cover the cost of any unforeseen issues. We will start an organ maintenance fund with any monies not needed for this restoration project.

How can you help?

We ask you to consider donating to support this project. Gifts to this special fund would be in addition to one’s annual pledge and could be given annually over four years or in one lump sum.

Other ways to give:

  • Realm (the church's online giving–make sure to click “Organ Fund” on the drop-down menu)

  • Stock gift

  • Check (made payable to the church with "Organ Fund" on the memo line)

If you have any questions, please contact Bobby DeRegis ( or Anne Ruggles (

We want to make donating as easy as possible!

~ Organ Fund Questions and Answers ~

What is wrong with the organ?

  • The organ is failing rapidly. Its components have deteriorated from 65 years of use. Many pipes are not sounding and the organ is becoming very unreliable.

Why do we have to do this work now?

  • At the rate the organ's leather components are deteriorating, the organ will not be playable in two or three years.

Should we replace it instead of restoring it?

  • A new similar pipe organ would be close to $2 million. Replacing it with an electronic organ would be anywhere from $100K to $250K.

How long should the organ last if we restore it?

  • The critical leather components have a lifespan of 40 years. If we restore the organ now, it will need attention again around 2060.

What is it going to cost to restore it?

  • To restore all the leather and electrical components in the console and four major divisions, the cost will be approximately $150K.

Can the organ be restored in stages?

  • Yes. Each major division and the console can be restored separately. The total cost to restore the entire organ will be close to $150K.