Stewardship FAQ
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is an invitation to invest yourself through the resources God has given you — your time, your gifts and your money — into this amazing work of transformation to which God has called St. Peter’s. Stewardship is an invitation to grow deeper in your relationship with God and is an act of gratitude and trust in God.
What is a pledge?
A pledge is your commitment to make a financial gift that supports the mission of St. Peter’s.
Why do we need annual pledges?
Pledges are the primary source of income that allows our ministry to flourish and is used to plan the yearly budget. Pledging supports everything we do at St. Peter’s including paying clergy, supporting our outreach ministries and making possible our liturgical, education and music offerings.
Don’t the contributions made in the weekly offerings cover our operating expenses?
Sunday loose plate collections amount to only 2% of our annual budgeted revenue. Annual pledges currently make up 80% of our income. The remainder of the budget is funded by distributions from our endowment, non-recurring parishioner gifts and other miscellaneous sources. St. Peter’s does not receive funds from the Diocese of Massachusetts or other outside sources.
When should I make a pledge?
St. Peter’s holds its annual Stewardship campaign between October and November. During this period, the members of St. Peter’s are asked to make their annual pledges for the coming year to allow us to budget appropriately for the coming year. Pledges are also welcome throughout the year.
When should I make the payment on my pledge?
The actual payment of the pledge can be made at the time of the pledge, in a lump sum in the coming year or through installments throughout the year.
How much should I pledge?
This is a very personal decision. Some members tithe, giving ten percent of their income to the church, while others commit a certain percentage, make a one-time annual gift or give as they are able monthly or weekly. The act of pledging your support is even more important than the amount you give.
How do I make a pledge?
Pledge cards are mailed to congregation members each fall; pledge cards are also available at the church office or you can download one HERE. Completed pledge cards can be mailed to St. Peter’s or dropped off at the church office. You can also pledge ONLINE.
How can I make a payment on my pledge?
Description goes hereIf paying via check or stock, please mail in your payment according to your payment schedule. If you wish to pay with a credit card, there are now two options.
Option One (**This is our preferred method of online payment.**)
If you wish to pay with a credit card OR directly from your bank account, please use the button below to pay via VANCO, our new online giving service. (There is an option to set up monthly payments if you use this method.)
Option Two
Use the “Donate” button below to pay via PayPal. (There is an option to set up monthly payments, if you use this method.)
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
When should I make the payment on my pledge?
The actual payment of the pledge can be made at the time of the pledge, in a lump sum in the coming year or through installments throughout the year.