Outreach Mission

“Using God’s gifts of time, talent and treasure, we seek to understand and respond to regional, national and global needs outside our parish. We support organizations which empower and maintain the personal dignity of those in need, and which personally involve our parishioners where possible.”

St Peter’s has a long and established tradition of outreach to the community and beyond. The Outreach Committee of St. Peter’s seeks to identify organizations, which will benefit from both financial and “hands-on” help, both locally and abroad.  The organizations we work with include Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program, Thanksgiving Baskets for area residents, Diaper Depot, Bishop’s Summer Academic, Fun and Enrichment (B-SAFE) program, and many others. The Outreach Committee welcomes new members who are interested in helping with this ministry.

Contact the Parish Office if you are interested. Everyone in the parish is urged to consider prayerfully how they can give of themselves for the needs of others as opportunities arise throughout the year.

Examples of Organizations We Have Helped

B-SAFE, (The Bishop’s Summer Academic & Enrichment Program) is a summer enrichment program through St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in the South End that provides a safe, fun and academically enriching environment for 650 Boston elementary age students each year. Episcopal churches throughout the Diocese sign up for a week at a time to provide nutritious lunches, snacks and host Friday field trips. St. Peter’s has been involved with B-SAFE for well over 10 years.



Diaper Depot is an organization created in 2007 by Christ Church in Waltham to provide low-income families with diaper supplies, specifically Waltham residents who qualify for financial assistance (WIC or Mass Health) monthly.

*St. Peter’s has a permanent blue collection bin located by the back door to benefit Diaper Depot


Dignity Matters is a non-profit organization that collects, purchases, and supplies menstrual products, bras, and underwear to women and girls who are unhoused or disadvantaged to help them stay healthy, regain confidence, and live with basic dignity.

*St. Peter’s has a permanent blue collection bin located by the back door to benefit Dignity Matters


Lovelane Special Needs Horseback Riding Program is a therapeutic horseback riding program that has a dramatic impact on the physical and cognitive development of children with special needs. Since 1988, Lovelane has been committed to providing an individualized program for children with special needs that integrates the pure joy and freedom of riding a horse with the appropriate therapy to achieve the child’s specific therapeutic goals. We raise funds through the annual Susan McDaniel Run for Lovelane.



Waltham Alliance To Create Housing (WATCH) . Develops and promotes affordable housing and offers ESL and civic leadership training in Waltham.
